This manual describes the information necessary for developing the application software of the following FANUC CNC, incorporating FOCAS1/2 CNC/PMC Data window library.
Use this manual together with the operator's manual of the following CNC.
There is a limitation of the functions which can be used for the development, by the difference of the CNC Series, Model, Type and series and version of control software.
This "Available CNC" table is made in accordance with the latest version of 15i, 16i, 18i, 21i, 0i , 30i, 31i, 32i, 35i, Power Mate i and Power Motion i. Moreover, some functions need the proper function at the control software of the CNC even if the CNC is the latest version. So, the functions which cannot be used for the CNC which is owned by the customer for the purpose of the application development may exist.
Therefore, please confirm the availability of the function at the target control software of the CNC, then go ahead the development of the application.
Especially, please confirm the compatibility for the development of the application for the old model CNC, and availability for the newly added functions.
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* Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft corporation, U.S.A.
* Visual C++ is trademark of Microsoft corporation, U.S.A.
* Company name and product name mentioned in this manual are registered trademark or trademark of each company.